Sensoneo at Slovak Industry Vision Day 2022

sensoneo slovak industry vision day 2022 samorin

Sensoneo will be represented at Slovak Industry Vision Day 2022 in X-bionic sphere in Šamorín, which brings to slovak businesses an opportunity to become a supplier of Volvo Car Košiceto present innovative ideas to a relevant audience, gain contactsexpand business, get the latest information from world markets and project financing options. Special Projects Manager Martin Halasz will be at Sensoneo stand ready to promote our smart waste solutions for factories and manufacturing industry. Martin will be open to B2B meetings to discuss how Sensoneo solutions can help industry producers and manufacturers with digital transition in their factories and facilities to managing waste efficiently and with a lower environmental footprint. Feel free to connect with us and schedule a B2B meeting in Samorin via e-mail address

Schedule a meeting with Martin: